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Norfolk Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs Assessment

Norfolk Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs Assessment resources have been published on the JSNA. Norfolk Sexual and...

Malnutrition in Norfolk & Waveney – Cabinet Statement

The Malnutrition Cabinet Statement from the Director of Public Health has been published on the JSNA and is available from...

Norfolk Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – Supplementary statement – Mar 2024

Supplementary statement to the Norfolk Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022. This supplementary statement should be read in...

Norfolk Tobacco Health Needs Assessment

Norfolk Tobacco Health Needs Assessment resources have been published on the JSNA. Norfolk Tobacco Health Needs Assessment...

Healthy Homes and Housing

Healthy Homes and Housing resources have been published on the JSNA. Healthy Homes & Housing Mar-24 | Norfolk County...

Cancer: Public Health outcomes for Norfolk & Waveney

Cancer Public Health outcomes for Norfolk & Waveney have been published on the JSNA. Cancer: Public Health outcomes for...

NHS Health Check Programme in Norfolk

The NHS Health Check programme provides a key opportunity for identifying people aged 40-74 at risk of cardiovascular disease...

Core20 Plus Groups

Tackling inequalities in either ‘plus’ populations or people in ‘core20’ areas will improve outcomes for both groups. There...

Norfolk Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – Supplementary statement – Nov 2023

Supplementary statement to the Norfolk Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022. This supplementary statement should be read in...

Population overview profiles for Norfolk & Waveney

The population overview profiles provide information on how many people live in Norfolk and Waveney broken down by age, sex...

Air Quality

This JSNA supporting document provides information about types of pollution and trends in air quality for Norfolk. JSNA...

Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Norfolk

This briefing document aims to provide relevant information regarding the health needs of refugees and asylum seekers in...

Norfolk Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – Supplementary statement – May 2023

Supplementary statement to the Norfolk Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022. This supplementary statement should be read in...

CVD: Public Health outcomes and prevention priorities

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), Public Health outcomes and prevention priorities for June 2023 have been published on the JSNA...

Public Health Strategic Plan

The Public Health Strategic Plan describes how Public Health specialist staff within the council contribute to achieving...

Norfolk Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – Supplementary statement

Supplementary statement to the Norfolk Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022. This supplementary statement should be read in...

Director of Public Health report 2022 published

This year’s Director of Public Health report focuses on local places and the impact location has on health outcomes. Director...

Norfolk Armed Forces community needs assessment published

The Norfolk Armed Forces Covenant Board commissioned this Needs Assessment to establish an evidence base to support decision...

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) updated

This mapping of pharmaceutical services against local health needs provides a framework for the strategic development and...

Oral health update published

This document reviews the oral health of people living in Norfolk and Waveney using the most up to date data available...

State of Norfolk and Waveney health report published

The data presented here is a snapshot of the state of health in Norfolk. The topics covered are population and life...

Life expectancy briefing document published

This briefing looks at the trends and inequalities in life expectancy. Where possible information has been included for...

Loneliness and social isolation briefing paper published

Our briefing paper on Loneliness and Social Isolation has been refreshed and published to the Joint Strategic Needs...

Breastfeeding briefing paper published

Our briefing paper on Breastfeeding has been refreshed and published to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. It represents...

Dementia briefing paper published

Our briefing paper on Dementia has been refreshed and published to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. Dementia is...

New Health and Wellbeing Profiles

Health and wellbeing profiles give a broad picture of the key health and wellbeing issues for an area in Norfolk by...

Protected Characteristics – Area Reports

The Equality Act 2010 protects people against discrimination because of the protected characteristics that we all have. Under...

English Indices of Deprivation 2019 – Report & dashboard published

A report and dashboard have been published providing a summary of the English Indices of Deprivation 2019 for Norfolk...

Smoking in pregnancy briefing paper published

Our briefing paper on smoking in pregnancy has been updated. Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth...

Director of Public Health report 2019 published

This year’s Director of Public Health report explores what is known about growing up and the health needs of children in...