Norfolk’s population is projected to increase by approximately 11% over the next 20 years, it is projected to be the 8th largest local authority in England, a position it currently holds. This is a projected population increase of over 103,000 spread over the next twenty years, 83,000 of this increase is in the population over 65.[1] Norfolk has an older population with a proportion of residents 65 years or older rising from 25% to 30% over the next 20 years.[1] Norfolk has the 16th most elderly population in England and is projected to be the 16th oldest in 2040.[1]
The local healthcare footprint includes Waveney, Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS) area had a population of 1,032,500 in 2021 compared with 916,100 in Norfolk. Although Norfolk and Waveney has a larger population than Norfolk county the inclusion of Waveney has little impact on key demographic statistics such as age structure and growth, for example 25% of the ICS population are also aged 65 or older which will also rise to around 30%. Norfolk and Waveney has the 4th oldest ICS population in the country.[2]
Across Norfolk the average life expectancy in 2021 was approximately 80 years for men[3] and around 83 years for women.[4] The average number of years a man or a woman can expect to live in good health is about 62.9 for men[5] and 63.9 for women.[6] Deprivation and poverty influence the health and wellbeing of the population. The life expectancy gap between the most deprived areas of Norfolk and the least deprived areas is 7.3 years for men[7] and 4.6 years for women.[8]
Norfolk & Waveney population overview
Nov-23 | Norfolk County Council
Partnership level population overview
Nov-23 | Norfolk County Council
Place level population overview
Nov-23 | Norfolk County Council
Life expectancy
Jan-25 | Norfolk County Council
Mar-22 | Norfolk County Council