In January, data was updated for Annual Population Survey, Claimant Count, Crime and Journey Time Statistics. Select a dataset to find out more information about the update.

Datasets updated
Annual Population Survey
Dataset Annual Population Survey (APS)
Description A residence based labour market survey encompassing population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by gender, age, ethnicity, industry and occupation.
Temporal 2019-09
Spatial Lower Tier Local Authorities, Upper Tier Local Authorities, Regions, Countries
Updated 22-01-2020
Source Office for National Statistics
Frequency Quarterly
Theme Economy & employment
Claimant Count
Dataset Claimant Count
Description The stock of Universal Credit and Job Seekers Allowance claimants broken down by sex and age.
Temporal December 2019
Spatial LSOA, MSOA, Wards, County Electoral Divisions, Lower Tier Local Authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, Upper Tier Local Authorities, Regions, Countries
Updated 21-01-2020
Source Office for National Statistics
Frequency Monthly
Theme Economy & employment
Dataset Crime
Description Crime rates and counts broken down by crime type.
Temporal November 2019
Spatial LSOA, MSOA, Wards, County Electoral Divisions, Lower Tier Local Authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, Upper Tier Local Authorities, Regions, Countries
Updated 06-01-2020
Source Home Office
Frequency Monthly
Theme Crime & community safety
Journey Time Statistics
Dataset Journey Time Statistics
Description Statistics on journey times to key services including food stores, education, health care, town centres, employment centres and transport hubs. These statistics are from the analysis of spatial data on public transport timetables, road, cycle and footpath networks, population and service locations.
Temporal 2017
Spatial LSOA, Lower Tier Local Authorities, Upper Tier Local Authorities
Updated 28-01-2020
Source Department for Transport
Frequency Annual